Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cardboard and Nature Object Studies

For my cardboard and nature object project I got a pine cone. Yea, turns out its not this complicated thing I thought it out to be, but it is not by any means easy. First impression I got was that it was kinda painful haha; it was bristly and poky. So I wanted it to have that same effect on the 3D model as well, I made tiny triangle cardboard cut outs and glued them to the end of the pine cone petals. So I'm trying to involve a lot of texture to this thing. I've analyzed this thing so far as to smell and taste it, and yes it does not taste good. The point being, I've come to realize that a pine cone is a very defensive type of object in nature. With this in mind I made sketches of all aspects of the cone in many different ways, especially focusing on the petals and the overall shape.

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