The lecture on Friday was all about gestalt, which is the understanding of perception and form by organizing it's components in a meaningful whole, and basically how in most everything there is composition: everything we create on earth, music, writing, and even mineral composition. So by knowing that we broke composition down into the basic elements that make it up: dot or point, line, shape/form, color (hue), texture, space, and value. In groups we had to show that we understood the concept of these elements by displaying them through sound only using ourselves. People showed emotion to create hue while others made claps and snaps to organize line or value. My group had Milah, Cara, Josh, Ryan and Dana in it and we showed texture by snapping, clapping, shuffling our feet and making noise with a belt.
This then let us into our projects. Our first one has to do with gestalt and perception. Dot dot dot. Which is was we have to use to show: closure, continuance, proximity, and similarity. The next project we have to study a natural object as though we know nothing about it and make a copy of it much bigger with cardboard.